AngularJs is a Framework of the Jscrit to work in a better way . A basic knowledge of HTML,cssand JScript is requiredbefore starting angular js. ng-directives are uses to extentHTML content. and we need to download the AngualrJs CLICK HERE After adding the AngularJs to your web page it will automatically gets loaded to your web page . 'ng-app' directive is added to div which tells the js that div is the owner of the AngularJs applicaion <div ng-app=""> ------ ------ </div> "ng-model" it binds the inserted values with a variable name <p>The name of the User is <input type="text" ng-model="first_name"/></p> here the firstname is the variable is which the value is being entered now we will bind this value to any other component . which is called as two way binding this can be get by 'ng-bind' <p>The name of the User is <input type="text" ng-model="firs...
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