Working on Web application? Remember these Points for the UI prespective !!

We use multiple languages to create a web application but the browser is only able to understand HTML ,JS ,CSS etc.

 Remember some points to create a better web application .

  • 1. Mobile First Application - In  today's mobile world most of the people use mobile devices to access different websites. You first need to know your customer if you wish to go mobile try to keep in mind the concept of mobile first . Use responsive templates or themes to create applications. Generally before this developer use to check which device is accessing the website based on which they for the . Many of you have generally seen that when access many of the websites they shows this 'm' shows that the programmer has checked for the device and then routed you to different pages that is specific for mobile device. But in many cases i have seen the developers forget to check for the opposite . so the better idea is to use a responsive template which automatically changes the website according to mobile .
  • Keep Simple and Clean - Try to keep things simple and clean. When creating a web application don't put unnecessary thing with in single page . try to keep things simple and clean for the user to understand . In many areas it also cause a performance issue as the bulky page is. Remember the average time for the page to load should be between 2 - 3 seconds. This is the worst case scenario.So keep the pages simple easy to understand for the user.
  • Don't Use Everything that you know - Use only the required things while creating a web application by which you can connect to your user or customer. It means If you know 10 different things to do with the web don't use all of them in one. As I said above keep  it simple . More the application is simple , more is there for user to do .

  • Power of Tool tip- Who so ever may be the user try to provide tool-tip for the required controls on your webpages it helps in clarity of the web navigation.generally when using responsive UI its very good to provide the tool-tip to make a better understanding of the controls.This small change in your website can change the number of users on your website. Its good for every age group to understand that what they are searching for 


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